Monday, October 6, 2008


so this is a blog...
i have to be honest, it's little overwhelming...
i wasn't sure what to name it, and i've been wanting a potato burrito (from maya's--best mexican food in prescott) for a couple days now, so i figured that potato burrito would suffice. also, i thought it was a nice mixing-up from little taco. which i thought i put, but maybe that was for something else. clearly, this is too technologically advanced for me to fathom...

i am ecstatic.
tonight the red sox game was on at 5:37 my time (8:37 eastern), and I have class from 6-8:15, so I have to depart for the walk to school around 5:40. i would have skipped class, but it's my favorite class, so i decided to suck it up and learn stuff. aka, i was not going to see the game. at all. BUT i decided to bring my computer to class and sit in the back and check the scores on of course, the building in which i have class is one of the two buildings that does not have wireless. luckily, my mum understands the dire need to know what happens in a red sox playoff game, so she texted me updates while i was in class. AND THEY WON!!!!!!

then i had to walk home alone in the dark. jacie's phone charger is broken, so i pretended to talk to her while i walked and clenched my knife in my sweatshirt pocket. i don't fuck around.

this past saturday night i went to a 90s party. while deciding what to wear, we realized that it's a fine line between late 80s and early 90s. Side ponies, stirrup pants, scrunchies... FINE line. i decided to go for the grunge look (yeah, seattle!) and sported leggings with socks and hiking boots (as i left my metalic silver boots in new hampshire...), topped off with a flannel shirt tied under my breasts. it was not until our walk over to the house that it occured to me that i had worn the exact same outfit hiking on one of our class backpacking trips, except different socks. and the flannel wasn't tied under my breasts. throughout the party, there were movies projected on a giant screen (clueless, wayne's world, cool runnings) and great music (baby got back, spice girls, hanson, salt n peppa). I MISS MIDDLE SCHOOL DANCES.
aparently something that people like to do out here when they're ragin it is croud surf people. it starts with a couple people talking about who they're gonna get next. then it quickly and quietly spreads to the group, and all of a sudden, they come from behind and lift the unexpecting person up. lucy is a well-known and respected party person out here, so i'm in with the cool kids. she said that they were gonna get me. they did. i got surfed. BEST THING EVER!!! (totally going to bring this to green mountain...)

i only have classes on mondays and wednesdays. this upcoming monday is indigenous people's day (that's what they call colombus day out here...), so i don't have class thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, monday, or tuesday. that is correct. six day weekend. I LOVE THIS PLACE!!! there's an optional field trip on sunday, though. i'm going. it's a peacekeeper workshop in tuscon, where i've never been. i'm gonna learn how to keep the peace. just doing my work as a hippie i gues....

it's almost 1 am east coast time, but only almost 10 here. it's crazy how much of a difference three hours can make. when you guys all turn the clocks it'll only be two hours, though. yeah, there's not daylight savings time here. arizona is kind of different...

stay kind. xo

1 comment:

~Maki said...

you crowd surfing awesome girl.